Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Army of God

When we read Joel 2:7-11 we see 4 important actions in this particular passage through which we can learn about the valuable characteristics and features of God’s army. Under mentioned are the 4 actions that are taken place in the army of God
1) Running Like Mighty men
2) Climbing up like the Men of War
3) Marching with Discipline
4) Executing the Word of God

Running like Mighty Men:
The first important feature in the Army of God is seen here in the title. It is neither standing army nor walking army, but it is a running army. This run in the army can be divided into two kinds.
They are 1) Fleeing 2) Chasing.
When we try to apply this thing in our lives, we also must have two kinds of run always in our life. We have to flee from the evil and chase the enemy. Bible says flee also from youthful lusts (2Tim 2:22). When we look into the life of Joseph (Gen 39:12), we can learn a very good lesson by observing the way how he fled from the sin which is evil. We have to always flee from sin, rather should never chase the sin. We have to always chase the enemy from approaching us like Joshua. When Israelites were on the way to their promised land, they were obstructed by armies of the enemy, but they never fled away from the enemy. They fought against them and chased them. Had they have turned back they would have not reached their promised destination. So we should not flee when we ought to chase, we should not chase when we ought to flee. Beloved watch out.

Climbing up like Men of War
Climbing up makes a very important and impressive role in a war. A soldier has to keep climbing even though he is attacked by many weapons (Joel 2:7). A soldier must over come many hills and mountains in the war to occupy the enemy country. When we stop climbing, we will start back falling. We cannot reach the heights unless we climb. As Matthew 5:14 says, a city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. If you want to give your light to the world, you have to be placed on the highest place in the sight of God. In other words you have to reach your spiritual peaks and mile stones in your life. If you want to cross the peaks and milestones, you have to keep climbing with patience and endurance. A soldier cannot become a triumphant soldier unless he attains the “Climbing” experience in his life. In the same manner a Christian cannot become a victorious Christian unless he has the “Mountain peak experience” that is prayer. We can see many saints in the Bible who achieved this kind of experience (Moses, Elijah .etc) in their lives. So let all of us try to reach the mountain peak experiences in our lives through the process of continuous climbing by enduring the difficulties and overcoming the obstacles in our life.

Marching with Discipline
Marching is very common and a regular practice in the daily actions of the army which will help all soldiers to maintain discipline and unity. It also helps them to walk parallel with the other soldier and increase their concentration to the commander’s voice. Bible says “Let all things be done decently and in order” (1 Cor. 14:40).We should learn to concentrate on the voice of God, Our Commander. If we are able to listen to the voice of God moment by moment in our life, then we can move accordingly to His commands in whatever He has in store for us.

Executing the Word of God
This 4th character of this army tells us about another very important aspect, executing the Word of God. This army is performing what God is informing. God gives the commands and his army executed them (Joel 2:11). One more good quality about this army is, God utters His voice to His army and they are just executing his orders. Many a times in our lives, we may be shouting and God may keep quiet. We will not give God the chance to speak; rather we will be speaking too much. As a result God will keep quiet. If we speak more when we are in the army, be careful the battle will become a rattle. My dear friend please take some time to check, are you in the army of God? If you are thinking that you are in the army of God, please check whether you have these four qualities in you as an individual. May God be our commander and lead us forward forever.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


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